Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Ba Humbug!

I got a good laugh from this, mostly because I really identified with it.

I must confess I've listened to it several times, and have been singing it around the house and the office.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Now TARP can really go to waste....

Now that Wall Street banks are repaying bailout money, taxpayers should be even more concerned. The money is being returned to Congress.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The More Things Change... The More Obama Calls Them "Fat Cats"...

“The banks also received their share of Hoover’s ire for their unwillingness to expand in those troubled times. The New York Times reported on May 20 that Hoover was ‘disturbed at the apparent lack of cooperation of the commercial banks of the country in the credit expansion drive.’ In short the ‘banks have not passed the benefits of these relief measures on to their customers.’ The anger of the inflationist authorities at the caution of the banks was typified by the arrogant statement of RFC chairman, Atlee Pomerene: ‘Now… and I measure my words, the bank that is 75 percent liquid or more and refuses to make loans when proper security is offered, under present circumstances, is a parasite on the community.’" –Murray Rothbard, America’s Great Depression, Ch. 11

Hat tip to my good friend Rob VH.